... and a little cwanky.
Dazed and confused.
But determined to play along with Nancy and
Random 5 Friday.
It has been quite a week. Long week.
A "never-want-to-repeat" week.
I haven't had time to visit your blogs yet and/or reply to
all of you who have visited my blog and left lovely comments.
I apologize.
1. Tom went into the hospital on Monday.
His cardiologist wanted to run tests and have other specialists take a look at him.
So up to Floor 10/Cardiology Unit we went.
2. Get off the elevator and take a left to Center 10.
On Monday he saw his cardiologist and he informed us that the following day
he'd be seen by a multitude of doctors to try to get to the bottom
of why he is feeling so crappy.
Maybe change his meds up. Take him off some. Put him on others.
Call me crazy but I find it difficult to leave Tom in the hospital.
But we arrived at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. and it's 7:30 p.m.
and we're both exhausted.
So I leave.
Crying as I'm headed to the elevators.
3. But I'm back there at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday morning and
on Wednesday morning and Thursday ... and yes, today ... Friday!
Tom is seen by every specialist possible.
He's given every test possible.
Now, we already know he has congestive heart failure and renal failure.
Congestive heart failure re-confirmed with a new find ... he has two leaky valves.
Renal failure re-confirmed ... prognosis is that dialysis will most likely be
part of his life in 3 to 5 years (if not sooner).
Lungs tested ... COPD and emphysema.
And nodule(s) found on his lungs.
Inhaler recommended. A second CAT scan in 3 months
to check the nodule(s) on his lungs.
He's not happy.
4. He's tired because he's not sleeping because the beds are so freakin' uncomfortable.
He's hungry because the food is ... well ... awful.
He wants to go home but they want to do more tests.
And they do.
The Electro-Cardiologist is recommending a new, super-duper
The one he has now has the heart's upper and lower chambers
beating at separate times which just makes him exhausted
because the heart's chambers are ... well ... fighting each other.
This new device would have a new wire leading to a separate section
of his heart and it would have the heart's chambers
pumping at the same time.
5. I get there on Wednesday morning and he is spitting fire.
He didn't get a wink of sleep even though he was given a sleep aid.
He can't eat anything because they want to take more tests.
He's barking and howling and I'm trying my best to calm him down.
He isn't being a very good patient.
I feel awful.
Mid-afternoon it is decided that the defibrillator/pacemaker
will be replaced on Thursday.
Nothing to eat after midnight.
And he's starving because he isn't eating much.
To make a long story short .... Thursday comes ... no food ... no drink ... because of the procedure.
We wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.
The nurse comes in at 3:00 p.m. and tells us that his procedure has been
The anesthesiologist says that Tom's sodium levels are too low.
Tom is not happy and tells everyone that he WILL be
discharged on Friday.
He exploded and rightly so.
So, I picked him up today and got him out of that joint!
The procedure will be scheduled for a later time.
He will sleep like a baby tonight in his own bed.
He will eat some good food.
Now, if only I could find a magic wand that would make him all better.